

“Master Resell Rights” is the process of buying a digital product one time for a certain amount. Once you have purchased this product, it becomes yours to resell for that same amount (or more) as many times as you would like to whoever you would like and you receive 100% of the profit because you are now the owner of that product. Your customers pay you directly and every single sale and you will get paid immediately through the payment processor of your choosing.

3 ways to earn with master resell rights:

Option 1:

Purchase the product & resell the product exactly as is! Instead of creating your own product, imagine taking a done-for-you digital product, created by professionals, such as a course or ebook, and reselling that product for 100% profit! That’s the power of MRR products. Not only do you gain the knowledge and skills from this product, but you can also turn around and resell it yourself to generate mostly-passive income.

Option 2:

Purchase the product & rebrand/structure the product to make it completely your own to resell. Imagine you are a physical therapist who specializes in a field like athletic injuries. What if you could take a done-for-you course, download the videos and modules that specifically would benefit your audience, and adding your own modules as icing on the cake. You can add your own knowledge and skills to the course that are specific to who your target audience is.

Option 3:

Purchase the product solely for the purpose of learning the skills with no intention of reselling. Educational products can be used to help you in your business. No need to resell the product, you can learn some new skills or utilize those templates to help you create your own product for use in your own business!


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